how to calculate time to open injectors and how to understand
Batch all injectors When this parameter is checked all injectors squirt together at every ignition event
for example.
Found OLD injectors flow data in g per minute, rebase it to mg per ms.
Did same for NEW injectors.
Calc proportion and reduce cranking time by this proportion. Not complex…but very strange, why not use percentage from desired fuel calculation, and not force users to suffer?
Suppose i found and recalc this data, and retune cold starts… Аnd with the onset of cold weather, I realized that the engine needs more cranking fuel… But in
CRANKING FUEL table max value = 25.5, but i need 30. What should I do?
Of course, the simplest thing is on the surface: use batch all injectors. But how to recalculate? Divide all previosly tuned values by engine cylinders count? And in normal temperatures, get strange values of cranking, whitch is dramaticaly below normal idle injectors PW - this is fine? Or need use some logic in mind: “if temp higher than 20C, then not divide by engine cylinders” ? is there any advice on this matter?