Lambda target and fuel cut

How can I change the X axis of the lambda target tables from throttle position to MAP? I’m running fuelling type Alpha-N with MAP multi and MAP based ignition
Under fuel cut there is only 3 fields, whereas V2 has 13?


  1. For all Alpha N fuel modes (where VE is based on TPS) lambda target is also controlled by TPS.
  2. Now the Fuel cut is just for safety fuel cut. Normally the Overrun fuel cut is under Overrun strategy, and Rev limiters are controlled in Ignition / Rev limiters.

Re the lambda target TPS X axis, will this be configurable in the future, in V2 I use Map?

In regarding that issue alpha n with mutiplication perhaps lambda target correction vs map would be a good solution

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actually i think this is already there on V3

Yes you can use correction table to adjust lambda target.

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