LSU 4.9 resistor

In V3, is 150kOhm resistor still recommended to connect between +5V and WBO VS pin like it is recommended in V2 from version 2.150 ?


It depedns of PC Board revision not a fimrware.
If your revision is older than “O” (O letter), then we advice to use resistor.

You can check revision in application about window (you need to be connected to ECU)

So this one need pullup or not?

It is O revision, the resistor is not required

So I bought the new USB-C Black, but this is still revision F, do I still need the pullup on a ‘new’ ecu?

The USB-C version doesnt require resistor for LSU 4.9
We are investigating why it shows rev. F.
The board is revision P

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If your using the resistor on an ECU revision that doesn’t require it will this cause false λ readings?

there should be no problem