ADU Button Channels trigger logic

Can you confirm that I understand the logic behind triggers for the button functions in the ADU?

First, are the channel states 0 (off) and 1 (on) or is it 0 (off) and other-than-zero (on)?

  • For “Press” I assume the button function fires on a off to on transition

  • For “Release” I assume it fires on a on to off transition

  • For “Click” I’m assume it fires on a on to off transition but only if there was a off to to transition proceeding it within some maximum time window (what is the window?)

  • For “Hold” I’m assume it fires when a off to on transition has then been maintained for a minimum time (what is the timer?)

Is that correct? I’m trying to design my data structures for integrating some 3rd party CANBus Input devices and don’t want to make assumptions.

“Press” - your assumption is good.
“Release” - your assumption is good.
“Click” - If you hold a button, but for less than 500ms, the “Click” will be triggered on the falling edge
“Hold” - If you hold a button, but for more than 500ms the “Hold” will be triggered for one tick