Blink Marine Racepad R Can stream to ADU

Hi Guys, I am new to the ecumaster world, I have already equipped my car with an Emu Black and now, I would like to add an ADU 7AS and a PMU 16AS on CAN 1 and a BLINK MARINE RACEPAD R keyboard on CAN 2 to control the functions via can.
However, I can’t start setting the parameters for the can network, has anyone already had programming experience on this keyboard?

Please describe exactly where you are stuck.

What does it mean?
Maybe show some screenshots?

I have attached some screenshots, the messages are those detected by light client on CAN2 with only the Keyboard connected.
However, if I try to write a new message from the ADU program, I can set the example ID 0X0615 but when I go to create the input it does not let me fill in the various bits of the message, always remaining 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00.

Surely I am doing something wrong, but this whole part is new to me and I would like to start understanding how it works.

p.s. I can write a Can message with an offline project for the ADU, but once connected, the message goes back to all 0 again

I just noticed you mentioned the Blink RacePad.
I understand now that you need custom CAN messages to use this keypad.

You can’t input values there because you are configuring CAN frame reception. Those fields show you the values that were read from the bus.

If you want to send a frame from ADU, you have to add CAN export.
Not import.

Yes, i need custom message to use the keypad, so, to create this message i’ve to use this “export” function?
Sorry but the manual is confusing and I can’t figure out how to set up these custom can messages

I forgot to say that i want to use this keypad to control some ADU function as page switch and alarme reset, and other PMU output

When you make CAN export, you create a single frame to send on the bus.
Select on which bus (1 or 2) this frame should be sent and input the ID.

By default, you have 8 values you can send, each with a length of 1 byte.
So Channel #0 is byte 0, and so on.

Custom communication with the keypad is not a trivial thing to set up.
We can help you with the basic functionality of sending and receiving frames, but setting up the whole communication process with the keypad is a big task and not something we can guide you step by step.

I See that is not an easy job, for sure
I imagine that was more easy
I will try to understand and learn but it is not easy. Do you know anyone who has already created Can messages for that keyboard and could help me?

I saw a couple of people who were able to do it.

Your best chance is to ask on the FB groups.
Either the main group or the ADU-specific one.
Maybe someone will be nice enough to share their setup.

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Thank you,
I’ll try to ask some help in the group