Bluetooth connectivity

I noticed that EMU Dash 3 is already out of PlayStore (Android).
Is there any plan to have new official Ecumaster APP?

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Yes. we plan to develope new application for andoid and ios next year


This is exciting news! I love mine. I have a 7inch Android Tablet mounted in the DIN running the old version using data from the CAN BT Module. Having 36 gauges in one place on a $100 screen is bloody great value.


36 gauges? All on one screen, or across multiple pages?

Maximum six gauges per page, user configurable, simple swipe left or right to change page. Super user friendly while driving.
Has some limitations but otherwise a great accessory for those who cant stretch the budget far enough for a dash.

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Were did you get the app?

It is version 2 i think.
I used the tablet to download from playstore.
Only emudash2 was listed as its running an older version of Android.