[BUG] Fuel calculation

Version: 3.023

When using “squirt twice per cycle” option fuel calculations are off:
-injector duty cycle shown is two times bigger than in reality (injector pw is fine)
-VE table needs to multiplied by a factor of 2 to get proper fueling.
After disabling this option injector DC goes back to normal and VE table looks more realistic

How to reproduce:
Enable “squirt twice per cycle” option

No need

I will check it today

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Everything works as expected:

No squirt twice per cycle

Squirt twice per cycle

I will try to find logs of this situation but the problem is surely there - even your official support said they know about it when I called them today.
If I wont find the logs I’ll replicate it on the car.

Yes please check.
I ddont know about such bug.