I dont quite understand injector phase on the emu classic. When selecting Injection angle “start at ignition event” (and there are 6 ignition events per revolution – so 12 per cycle) the injection is linked to an ignition event. So every injection is naturally happening twice per cycle (since theres also 2 ignition events per cylinder per cycle). What is the use of “squirt twice per cycle” . Will it make 4 injections per cycle??!. On emu classic it says its for bank fire. But i dont run bankfire. I run sequential injector wiring but without camsync. each injection is linked to its own ignition event. That is not the same as bankfire
What do i need to change if i want 1 injection every 360degrees? Or is it already correct? On V3 its not so confusing thankfully.
Sqirt twice per cycle. Will fire injectors avry 360deg
In Primary trigger settings you tell the number of cilinders. If there is 6, only 6 ignition events are used per 720 degrees.
So 1 spark for each cilinder per 720 degrees.
Do you want wasted spark, you select 2 ign outputs for each ignition event.
want injection every 360 degrees (when using wasted spark)?, then use the squirt twice function.
How can it only fire once every 720 degrees without camsync? Then it will be completely random at which tdc it sparks, either compression or exhaust tdc depending whether you start it on a monday or a sunday. Naturally on other ecu‘s when you dont have have camsync enabled there isnt even the option to have only a single squirt or single spark every 720 degrees.
But i understand it now. Thanks- I thought that all ignition events would occur twice every cycle when camsync isnt enabled. Which is not the case
Yes that is correct.
it will randomly start or not.