Honda K20A2 Primary Trigger Issue

Hey hallo there,

Im new to ecu and wiring, and made my first custom loom for my K20A2.

everything seems to work except the Primary trigger… and I just cannot figure out why!?
wiring seems to be alright.

I get nothing from it, scope function doesnt get anything… only the CAM2.

could it be it needs an external Pullup resistor? I have the PT on 12V

Do u know what kind of sensor this is?..Hall or VR?
If hall then u usually need to set pullup in SW. No need to pit it in ur harness.

yeah the OEM one, it’s an Hall sensor. and I enabled Pullup in the software… but im just not sure if it actually works. Since im on a EMU Classic i cant choose what type of Pullup it is.