1.8T Trigger problems

Hey Guys!
I recently got my 1.8T AEB up and running, with primary trigger issues, im using VR as a crank sensor. sometimes i get unexpected missing tooth while cranking. im using shielded cables, Sensor is OEM + i tried a second one which worked on a stock car in the past. In addition to the starting issue i cant rev above ~2600RPM, in case of revving 2600 i get an unexpected missing tooth and the car dies/misfires to 0 RPM.

Has anybody had this problem before?
I will Link my Log soon!

Happy about any help!

What are ur exact settings for the sensor?
I had something similar like u. In the end the sensor settings needed some finetune.
With those my engine works perfect:

Hey! i just noticed i cant link my log cuz im new. anyway-
i use:
Screenshot kk

i think i tried your settings but i will do it again rn!

Independed of ur problem…are u sure ur trigger angle/tooth is correct?
1.8t and nearly all newer VAG engines usually have 1/72 = 0/78…i think u are 6 deg off.

i tried removing the pullup + input filter, result is and immediate rpm spike right after the start of cranking + i cant get a solid crank signal/ unexpected missing tooth more often then before.
angle and trigger tooth are a good point, i checked it with my timing light and thats correct (as far as my gun tells me). i tried 0/78 anyway, it was running a bit rougher ofcourse since i didnt change anything but the same thing occurs at 2600rpm.

mine was build in 12/1997

in addition to not starting up i got an unknown trigger error that time

I have AJQ from 1999. I think our core engines are more or less the same. I think ur settings are not the problem. I think u have an electrical issue. Did u already check the signal with a scope?

Regarding timing…did u chack it with lamp of camshaft mark or flywheel mark?

i agree that they should be rougly the same. i did check the crank signal with the built-in EMU scope and that looks good to my eye, i will link a screenshot.
did check at the crankshaft-pulley mark and that was spot on. i will do that again tomorrow just to make sure.

im a little confused what the circles on the lines mean, and if that could be causing a problem

EDIT: sehe grad deinen namen, bist du deutsch? wenn ja wär wohl einfacher :smiley:

The circles in the middle mean that there is is something wrong with the signal.
I will also check the timing of my engine again.

Ja dann back to german :smiley:
Ich glaub du hast wirklich n elektrisches Problem…bad ground…kaputter sensor…schlechter Abstand zwischen Sensor und Rad…kaputtes Rad…kaputtes Kabel…irgend sowas.

Ah okay, guter tipp mit dem kreis auf den signalen! Bad ground oder kabel hatte ich auch im kopf, ich habe das Primary trigger sowie Signal Masse (einzeln in die EMU) mit einem seperaten Kabel neu verlegt und probiert, leider gleiches Symptom. Kaputtes Rad hab ich natürlich noch nicht kontrolliert.

probiere morgen nochmal einen anderen sensor, falls das nicht hilft probiere ich mal größeren(?) abstand zum rad.

Danke für deine zeit!

EDIT: zu der Idee mit dem kaputten sensor- ich kriege den Motor sporadisch zum laufen, oft springt nach der 1sten umdrehung an und manchmal garnicht. Trotzdem werd ichs wohl kontrollieren müssen…

Hi! was able to make it today, so i cleared that there are no leftovers or dirt on my crank wheel. What i spotted in my emu logs is that the ecu happens to
count one teeth twice per rotation.
For example: my ECU picks up a teeth every ~8-10ms, and spontaneously it happens to pick up 2 teeth in about ~0.5ms which is clearly not right, ill think about this and see where i end up :')
