Scatter Plots Trimming Data Off

How do you correct the scatter plot from trimming off data? When I plot TPS vs MAP, anything under about 9% TPS is trimming off.

Check your TPS min/max in the log channel configuration.

Scatter plot use it to limit scatter plot channels data range.

I tried that and looked at both TPS and MAP and both are set to 0 to 100 and the problem still exists. Is there a filter/setting somewhere else?

Could you please publish here a log ?

The log I am using is too big, but this log shows the same issue. There should be lots of data for TPS below 10% throttle. Also, I am on V2 V2.169 and the log file extension is .emublog. The post wouldn’t accept this so I changed it to .emub.

20240908_1718.emub (3.0 MB)

Thank you. I can confirm there is a problem.
It will be fixed for the next build.

Thanks. Roughly, how long will this take?

This week, as the issue is is already fixed

I am fairly new to EMU. How do I download the update to my current software? I am on V2 Ver 2.169.

The beta versions are at

The latest one is 2.170

There is a new version 2.171 where the scatter plots are fixed.

Thank you! I checked it and all looks good.

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