I use version 111 for trigger Audi,
I installed the USB support to save the data, on the computer it displays as if the USB saves OK, I have the file saved on the key but I can’t read it, it displays crashed and the program quits.
I think it’s a software problem?
Thanks for your help
When does it crash?
When you try to load the log file into the client software?
Post the log file, so we can check it.
Also, if the application crashes, please save the crash report and send it to us, so we can fix it.
When I load the file it starts to download it and tells me that there are incorrect files and the program stops.
I sent you a report as requested by the program during last week’s crash.
I’ve just transferred you to the tech .
Thanks , Best Regards Yann.
The log file you sent us got corrupted somehow.
The file header was damaged, and the application couldn’t open it, but the content looked ok.
We fixed the application crash, so in the new version, it will give you a message about file corruption.
Was it a one-time thing?
Did the logging work correctly otherwise?
What brand of USB drive are you using?
The most probable cause is either noise around USB wiring or low-quality flash drives.
Thanks for your reply, it’s a SanDisk 32G key, I can’t read the LOGs at all, if the LOGs are OK then the system is good, it must be another problem, plus I read the ADU LOGs and it works.
Thank you and best regards.
Hello mKuklis,
I tried the log with the USB key with version 115.2, there is no more Crash but it still can not open the Log.
I think there is still a problem with the software.
Thanks for your help.
Best Regards Yann
Audi Quattro 115.emupro (30.9 KB)
20241105_2048_30.emuprolog (2.1 MB)
That file is corrupted, and there is no automatic way to fix it.
It was corrupted when recording or saving to the flash.
The most common reasons for corrupted files are non-optimal wiring or bad-quality flash drives.
We need more information to understand the issue:
- How often do you get corrupted logs? Is every log from the USB corrupted?
- Did you try a different flash drive?
- Is your USB wiring shielded?
Thank you for your reply,
I have a good quality Sandik USB key that I use to save ADU data.
I can’t open any files.
I’ve tried another key but from the same brand.
The cable is shielded and installed according to your diagram.
With the new software, there are no more crashes like before, or even the programme cutting out.
That is a strange issue.
Please do this sequence and save the log from the laptop:
- Power down everything.
- Remove the USB flash from EMU PRO.
- Power up the system
- Connect with the client software on the laptop.
- Connect the USB flash drive.
- Leave it like that for a few minutes.
- Save the log from the client software.
- Send it to us.
We can check diagnostic channels for USB logging that way.
Thank you for your reply.
Here’s the recording.
2024_1107_1827.emuprolog (605.1 KB)
Audi Quattro 2,5l.emupro (31.0 KB)
I don’t see anything wrong there.
This points me to the reading process from the flash after saving.
How exactly do you recover the log from the USB drive?
Do you disconnect it from the ECU and connect to the PC?
Or do you use the tool inside the EMU software?
If you disconnect the drive, do you do it with ECU on or off?
Also, how do you switch off the ECU?
Do you have a separate ignition signal?
Hello, thank you for your reply.
I retrieve the USB key directly from the bracket and put it on the PC. Then I retrieve the file as if I were retrieving a LOG saved on the PC.
I switch off the ignition and remove the key from the bracket.
I supply the box with continuous 30 and 15 to cut key contact via a relay, as on the series.
Or do I have a LOG de faut parameter in the selection?
But before the last update there really was a crash and now it says file corrupted.
Hello mKuklis,
for information, I have wired again USB and a new support USB, same problem.
I think there really is a problem with the software or the ECU?
Thank you for your help.
Best Regards Yann
I don’t think that’s a software issue.
Most people who use EMU PRO use USB logging and don’t have issues with it.
It’s too consistent to be a bug that no one else has.
I would move to bench testing in your situation.
Minimal harness with only power supply and the USB to isolate from any other potential sources of problems. If you have the same problems with a bench setup like that, I would consider there is a hardware issue with this specific unit.
OK, thanks for your reply. I’ll get back to you after the test.
Hello mKuKlis,
so I tried with the bench as requested, where there were just power supplies, Can Bus for the computer and USB port,
same problem, I think the EMU is faulty.
Tell me how I proceed now for replacement?
Thanks for your help, Best Regards Yann
Depends on where you are located.
It’s best to talk to your local dealer to decide how to send it for testing and repairs.