please check my answers below:
On the new wireless wheel kit, what is the value transmitted for the rotary switch if the RS+ isn’t connected to any of the input pads?
Value 0(voltage 555 mV) is trasmitted(if Rx: offset in LC is set to -1).
Does it just float or is there a pull-up/down somewhere that will kick it to 0, 1, 8, or 9?
Each rotary switch input is pulled down, so they not float.
If there is RS+ applied to (for example) R2-pin3 and then the power is pulled from pin3 but not applied anywhere else, would that trigger the board sending a CAN update or would a new message only come if/when the RS+ signal is seen on a different pin? If it doesn’t send anything for the rotary value CAN msg, would it at least send an update that the analog voltage msg has changed (and what would it change to, or would it be left to float?)
The wireless steering wheel kit panel will wake up to send an update only when the RS+ voltage appears on another pin. So, if you apply RS+ voltage, for example, RS+ → R1.pin2, you will get in the LC R1 = 1 (when R1 offset = -1), A1 = 1110. When the RS+ voltage disappears from pin R1.pin2, the value R1 = 1, A1 = 1110 will still be sent over CAN. For the state to be updated, RS+ voltage must be applied to another pin of R1. Pins R1-R4 are designed to work with rotary switches, where only one active position of the rotary switch connects RS+ with Rx.pinx (where x is the index of the rotary switch and the pin number).
The analog voltage visible in the LC is not the actual voltage on the R1-R4 pins. The state of the rotary switches is a digital value, later converted to an analog voltage to maintain compatibility with the CAN SwitchBoard V3.
I’m trying to suss out the possibility of using one of the rotary inputs to add 7-8 additional switch inputs (albeit with the caveat that only 1 could be pressed at a time, but I already have a plan for that)
These inputs were not intended for such use. To detect the release of such a button and update the value, you would have to choose one of the values (0-7) (when offset -1) as the neutral position, for example, 0(Rx.pin1), and by releasing any of the other buttons (let’s say from 1 to 7), short RS+ to Rx.pin1. In this situation, I imagine it could work as you intended.