ADU7 Indicators

Just swap out my ic7 for the Adu7 . The indicators worked perfect on the ic7 no problems wire them up to the adu abd when i touch the brake pedal or turn on the headlights the indicators sign on the adu starts to flicker they are wired to Anolog 1 and 2 . Had no issues with the ic7 the stock was still but i removed it completely to install the adu now i have this problem

Could you share your project and record a short video where the issues are visible?

Share your project and datalog.
It is just a setting i guess.

Share ADU project file. We can help you.

new indicator.adu (53.8 KB) here is the adu file

ok im trying to upload a short video

20250103_0837.adulog (232.7 KB)

You have selected the Analog in #1 channel as the blinker colour control channel.
Change this to ‘left blinker’ and ‘right blinker’ accordingly.
In your log the analog input goes above a volt at some point (when pressing brakes as you stated, this could be a grounding issue), and when the indicators are on it goes above 5v (since its a 12v signal)

new indicator - fixed.adu (53.8 KB)

Thanks this worked :grinning:

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