BMW S54B32 - Vanos problem

Hi, this is my first time using PRO and I need help.

I have a problem with BMW M3 S54B32, specifically with Vanos. I did VVTI wizard but there is a problem on the dynamometer with the intake and exhaust camshafts.

The problem on the intake appears at higher revs, on the exhaust earlier.

VANOS was regenerated but only the mechanical part, the solenoids are old and I don’t know how they worked before. The entire engine has been rebuilt, forged, etc.

Can anything more be determined from the log? Should I look for the problem in the configuration, in the PID, or should I rather dismantle VANOS from the engine?

Please help, the race is coming soon :smiley:
vvti.emupro (32.7 KB)

LOG: EMU PRO - Google Drive

The last minutes of the log - WOT in 5th gear, then there is a recalibration (wizard) of the VVTI and at the very end of the log there is another WOT measurement in 5th gear.

it looks like it has problems with determining position on intake at high RPM, it would not be able to move by 90 degrees.
Please provide one scope file at idle and the second when there is a problem visible. Perhaps we would find some problems with triggers. Try several times to “shoot” the one with problems.

Exhaust camshaft position read is fine, but its behaviour is silly, see 46:17 in your log.
Please run VVT Tuner on exhaust and provide log and screen from the VVT Tuner.

Also, 25 Hz of PWM frequency is a bit low. Try 50 Hz on both camshafts.

For diagnosis it would be best to set at least 100 Hz of logging on position, target and duty cycle for both camshafts.

Thank you, I’ve already changed the settings, and so far it’s started working better. I’ll calmly do the scope and logs, but that’ll be in a few days.

As you wrote, I changed from 25 to 50hz, and corrected the pid and initial trigger teeth

I still have a problem with knocking on individual cylinders. I can’t hear anything on the headphones, but the log shows knocking. I will replace the sensors with new ones because they are used and I hope that they are responsible for the knocking. I have tuned many of these engines on Black and with this ignition nothing has ever knocked.