I’d like to make use of the Can switchboard to tidy up steering wheel wiring on my car.
The steering wheel has paddles for gearshifts that when pulled are a connection to ground which triggers the gearchange system.
Can i use 2 of the 4 lowside outputs on the can switchboard as a make/break connection to ground to achieve the gearchange? Or am i misunderstanding how they functon?
we setup our can switch board to handle the relays, however due to the lack of guides and help we were unable to get the programming right to command the relays to come on, we ended up setting the relays up on the ecumaster pro ecu
the steering wheel analogs and inputs worked great though, was able to configure them easily.
yes you can use them directly or with micro relays but you need device to control them what else do oyu have in a car? what paddle shift system are you using?