How do I go about changing the color of a keypad button on an event, eg over current??
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Make the keypad button an indicator and assign the output status channel to the Source Channel on the button you’ve set as an indicator.
a value of 0 is output off
a value of 1 is output on
a value of 3 is trip/fault state (i usually set this Red)
You can get fancier and make it flash or alternate colours using functions but that is the simple way
Thanks for this. I’ve managed to get this working, but how would you make the flash too?
using a function setup as a flash and a number channel to control the indicator.
There’s so many ways to do this, but here’s a quick one I whipped up on the bench
Flashing keypad indicator.pmu (3.3 KB)
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Amazing thanks, I’ll take a look at that and try do the same