Connecting to devices over CAN2 (500KBS)

Hi Guys, please can you help me out here, I’ve attached an image to how my devices are connected to CAN1 and CAN2

If I connect my USB to CAN interface on CAN2 from the Light clinet I can see the data from my steering angle Sensor, and I can see my Keypad, but I can’t see the ADU or PMU. I also can’t find them if I load the client for them either on CAN2, but I can on CAN1 Should I be able to??

is correct on can 2 you see only devices connected to this network you wont see other devices

Thats what I thought, but on CAN2 I should be able to see the ADU and configure it??

nope adu config is only thru can 1

great thanks for clearing that up