Minimum MAP Idle activation not working

45kpa idle the tune.emub3 (61.9 KB)
45kpa idle thresh log.emublog3 (1013.8 KB)
Part to lookout for in the log starts at 13 minutes onward !

Idle control map activation thresshold doesnt seem to work. Spent roughly over an hour just driving around and testing. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt. But its not hard to get it to malfunction. Maybe it has to do something with map filtering and not showing up in the log? Causes the PID controllers to saturate and the engine dies when the clutch is pressed after decelleration

Hello, i use 0kpa for idle.

I will take a closer look to it before bext version will be released.

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It is not minimum MAP for idle control.

This means the MAP over the idle is allowed. I will try to find better name than Idle On if MAP over.

This prevents idle controller to enter idle state when you drive downhill and engine brakes (the low MAP value).

So in your case if your MAP on idle is 40kPa, I would set this value to 25-30kPa

I understand that Idle is not always on when its above threshhold. But I had that case where idle control was activated when MAP was below the set thresshold value.
So my MAP during decelleration is roughly 30-35kpa. And my “Idle on if map over value” is 45kpa . I decellerate in gear and as soon as im below my ramp down max offset rpm idle control is ON altough it should be off- because MAP has not been above 45kpa for once during the whole decelleration . It needs to be once above 45kpa to activate the function- which it wasnt.

My understanding of the factors needed in order for the idle control to transistion to active state are :
RPM below “Ramp down max offset” value (Constantly)
PPS below value x (Constantly)
Map above "Idle on if map over " value while being below “ramp down max offset” rpm for atleast once during that period.

Probably i dont understand this function correctly but here is an example of idle control transitioning to active altough last condition is not met.

Thank you for the clarification.
I will investigate the problem.