S2 Trigger Problem

Hi, i am having problems with the trigger signal of 2 seperate audi S2 on emu classic.
I used the base map for the aan engine. i have a aan and a aby engine here. both start with the base map settings, but once i hit the throttle it starts to stutter like i am on rolling antilag.

on the aan engine, when i put in the pullup on sec trigger while the engine runs, i can rev the car like it should be. i already mapped the car completely and everything is fine. but the car wont restart. i do not get a sync. i unclick the pullup, turn the key, car starts but i cant rev it. i click on the pullup, car revs normal.

on the aby engine, it never revs, either with pullup or without.

does someone having same trouble? i attached 2 pics. as i said.
no pullup on cam2, car starts and wont rev.
with pullup on cam2, car wont start but once its running and you click the pullup while running, car runs fine.

I am not familiar with this engine but i try to help.
VR sensors don’t need a pullup…i think they dont even work with a pullup. So strange that it is somehow working in ur case.
But are u sure ur cam has a VR sensor?..usually they are hall sensors. Did u try hall sensor setting?

Hi. I know. Makes no sense at all. The s2 5cyl uses a single knob on the backside of the flywheel a well as a toothed trigger ring