Sample ADU designs

I recently purchased an ADU7, looks great. I’ve installed it in the car and it works fine. I also have the USB-CAN adaptor, that also works.

Now I want to customise the display pages, I have the current software which works fine as long as I am connected. But I get nothing in offline mode ? I would have expected to see some example pages at least.

Have I not installed something ? Surely there are a lot of example setups for me to evaluate etc.

There are many sample pages in software. Just create new empty page and load new page template (screenshot).
But as you already have ADU working, and you want to edit current layouts, go online and SAVE PROJECT (File->Save Project) to your computer. Then you can edit it offline.

Thanks for your response. When I open the ADU application and am offline, the page open button is disabled.

Have you added a page to the Project Tree? This is the first step, which enables the Open Page button in the Page Editor.

I’m starting to figure it all out!

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