Software 2.163 and higher

Hello, I have an Audi with the 20v turbo engine and I use the Audi triggers which work very well, but when I switch to a software version 2.163 and above the engine no longer starts but the information shows that it synchronizes, I return to the 2.162 it starts.
I see that on 2.163 there are a lot of changes to these trigger points, has anyone had this problem?
Thank you for your help.
Best regards Yann

Could you please attach here the log from the latest firmware from cranking ?
And also please attach here you configuration for primary, CAM1 and CAM2 sensors.

Hello, thank you for your message, I’ve found the problem, I have the automatic gearbox which is activated in the settings when the soft is changed and which cuts off the injection when starting.
Best Regards Yann