Software opinions

Please post log and base map. It is hard to say why it doesn’t work looking just at a screen.
I’ve test fuel cut on the bench and it works ok

Log and map by link Dropbox

Everything works as it is set up.

Your fuel cut is defined at 7450 and it is performed then. It is normal that the engine can rev a little bit higher in such situation.
Your rev limiter is set to 7800 so it doesn’t work (it always must be set lower than RPM fuel cut).
Rev limiters are the proper tool for limit RPM, over RPM fuel cut is just the last protection to prevent engine from overrev.

thank you, noted and changed

Instead of putting this in the 3.033c thread I will keep it in the general thread now. I know you have tested the Acc Enrich/Correction on the bench and it works for you… but can you possibly explain the numbers I am seeing?

This is on FW 3.035.

I have attached a short log, complete cold start up to temperature from today. At 12m40s a few presses of the pedal with the acc correction table completely zero:

With peak TPS rate of 194%/s, why am I seeing 13% accel enrichment when (the higher cell) 250%/s in the table is only 7% ? This was only a very light press of the pedal…

Am I missing something? Or this because the log rate of 50hz isn’t fast enough to pick up the actual peak TPS rate being higher, or something else?

Following this, at around 14m in the log, i set the correction table to a flat -38% across the whole table as a test, and repeated the same. My correction table is MAP vs TPS Rate:

Where is the acc enrichment of 11% being calculated from ?

In the other 3.033c thread, you mention:

For example if you have 100% in ACC enrich table, and -2% correction the result will be 98% of ACC. enrichment.

This is how I would expect it to work…

But using that logic, with the table above set to -38%, is my actual accel enrich 11% (plus 38%) = 15-16% ?

In the log just after this you will see i set the correction table to a flat -100%, which resulted in zero acc enrichment being applied. As expected

Any clarification would be appreciated, more so on how I am seeing higher acc enrichment values than i have populated in the table for that TPS rate…

20240914_1516_13.emublog3 (3.3 MB)
987_14092024.emub3 (64.6 KB)

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As derUltraTT wrote, it is a litle bit more complex and if you constantly accelerate the throttle the ACC enrichment need to cummulate.
However I found small bug when acceleration enrichment is small (less than 15%) and it is your issue.
Here is a firmware with the fix:

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VERY minor bug I noticed when using the “TC active indicator output” with a simple LED. With the below settings, when stationary or <8-10kmh, the LED is very slightly glowing when it should be turned off. When you start driving, it turns off as it should.

If you untick “Activate TC output when TC disabled” the issue is solved, and the LED remains off when stationary. Changing the minimum speed to activate does not affect it.

I suspect the output is being turned on and off at a fast rate and therefore causing it to illuminate only subtly? Happy to get a photo/video.

I have tested this today and it is working well now :+1:

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Fixed for version 3.036


Is it possible to change the behaviour of the check engine light for oil pressure and knock such that it only pops up when ECU intervention occurs?

For example, on startup, I am finding that oil pressure and knock are being registered as a CEL and it pops up on my dash. Yet, both of these strategies are inactive:

  • Knock is below TPS threshold, so knock strategy is inactive and no ignition retard occurs.
  • Oil pressure protection strategy is amidst 5s start delay.

I’m also finding I get a knock spike after letting off the throttle from high load. This is likely to do with my knock sensing settings or drivetrain vibrations, but again, it registers a CEL, even when the conditions for the knock strategy to function are not met. (see screenshot below)

Another very minor point of discussion by me, but something that I’ve noticed that could be addressed in some way. Cheers

PS - Loving V3 so far! My car has never driven smoother, and the functions provide so much freedom. It’s a step up in every way over V2 in my opinion. Keep up the good work :slight_smile:


When is it planned to be released?

Version 3.036 will be released today.

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I can see the point. I’m thinking about more complex solution for reporting errors.


can you maybe expand the max amount of fuel for the fuel usage in hours.
it would be interesting how much it really is. at the moment its a max of 62,99l/h :slight_smile:

Small bug found, see video:

Video doesnt work :frowning:

Try to open any table, tet’s say Ve table and highlight one row from right to left and without releasing mouse button go to left panel and back and you will see. Link to video: Dropbox

Is it possible to add an additional parameter to activate VTEC? e.g. depending on user function or analog input?

Hey, Can you please add CAN BOARD analog inputs on PPS?