Software opinions

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Please can we have 20 X axis bins for IAT & CLT?

Brake/clutch need analog inputs added to the drop down


Try to use the temperature wizard to generate the proper calibration curve. It optimizes axes to get very very good approximation for IAT and CLT sensors. From our observation, there is no need for more calibration cells to get proper temperature readings. And the saved memory can be used for other cool purposes :slight_smile:

For brake / clutch define user switches first and then assign them to the clutch / brake.
Now the idea of the switches is more logical and coherent than in V2


No MAP based lambda target with Alpha-N?

Also with fueling custom corrections you can only choose between lambda target and INJ PW. Would maybe be easier if you can modify VE table instead of inj dc. Like in V2

Problems come if you have engine like 2-cyl 60deg V-Twin. You must use Alpha-N with ITB´s as MAP is no way near stable below 100kpa. Above 100kpa with boost MAP is stable.

MAP based lambda when alpha-N is implemented, the option is missing from the tree view. I add it in next build.
According corrections. INJ PW is equivalent of V2 correction. This method has one big disadvantage that it doesn’t work correctly with the closed loop lambda.
So correcting the lambda target is much better approach as it will work correctly with with the closed loop strategy. However it depends what do you want to achieve with the correction. Thats the reason it is selectable.


Ok, thanks!

We rarely use closed loop in our applications. Sometimes we use it under low to med engine loads or just at idle. It helps tuning when you can set target in one table.

So just use opttion “correct INJ PW”. That will work exactly the same as corrections in V2

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The best experience for a tuner is to have the Parameters Panel items organized in sequence that new EMU tuners and current EMU tuners can go down the list from top to bottom for what needs to be set to get an engine started, if possible.
I see that diagnostic logs have been added in certain categories which was great to see! The Knock Sensing text window under Knock Sensor, PWM text windows under PWM, etc…

Example of an easy organization of setting to configure an ECU when I start on a vehicle after EMU install:

  • Sensor setup, with the Analog Inputs diagnostic log window first for tuners to see TPS voltage to configure TPS voltages,
    Analog Input voltages, etc…
  • Outputs, with Test Outputs tool option visible under the Outputs section.
  • Ignition settings next, with the Trigger settings first,
    Ign output assignment next,
    Firing order next,
    Ignition log window to quickly see [cam sync trigger tooth] value. Customers always call stating, “The log shows synchonized, so the triggers are correct.” [cam sync trigger tooth is the #1 value I explain in almost every Support call in the last few years and is the #1 value I see is the problem in Support tickets with engine not running.
    Scope next (with a tick box to disable all Injectors, if possible). So many engines are already flooded with fuel on Support calls from the tuner/installer cranking over the engine without the fuel injectors already configured before they know how to set base timing and use the Scope to verify triggers.

If this type of Parameters organization is possible, we can discuss the sequence more in detail. Flex Fuel Blending under Other/Tables switch has also been a #1 reason for Support tickets. Tables switch is stated in the FF help, though I had to include this info in the FAQ and Troubleshooting document on our Software, Manual, and Base Map Downloads – ECUMaster USA page.

Looking at the new idle strategy, i wondered where the base idle ignition timing vs idle target rpm abd clt temp is setup from. The only relevant option i can see is the idle ignition control pid settings, and then the pid sets ignition timing per deviation from target. But the min and max ignition angle torque at 850rpm warm idle for example, is very different from 1400rpm cold idle, and as it is now, this can’t be adjusted from what i can understand. I think it’s better to have the idle strategy reference to the main ignition table, and add a table so we can offset the timing based on that. Or follow the EMU Pro that has more relevant parameters for this.


I will modify it like in the PRO, there will be 2 2D tables


Yes we can talk about reorganisation of the order in the tree view.
For version 3.017 I’ve changed tables switching to the main category in the tree view

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I’d like to ask, can you add a tick box option, that when selected will bypass the idle ignition correction pid and jump into a ign correction table like in the v2, and another 2d table that will set base idle timing vs idle target rpm?

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In 3.017 there will be 3 additional tables for idle control:



I think that fueling custom corrections are little confusing.
Ie if you want modify lambda target, in options it says “modify lambda target” and unit in table is [%].
At first look you would assume that, in case if your tgt is 1.00 and you modify that with 85% it should be 0.85.
Now, when you try to add 115% it´s actually not 0.85 but it is 0.869?

It is assumed that both type of enrichments will increase the fuel dose for the same amount of fuel. Changing lambda make sens when you use closed loop control.
Otherwise it is virtually the same as changing pw.

And now we can simplify the injectors pw calculations to A * Ve / Lambda target, where A combines all speed density calculations so we can skip it.

So when you use lambda target correction the correction is calculated 1/(correction percent).
That explains “strange” lambda values but is equivalent to increasing fuel dose by correction percent.

Add options for using MAP as a secondary trigger? I´ve used this strategy with ******* and it works nicely with ITB´s with separate sensor.
I think it could be possible with V3 but as my test bed is odd-fire HD I did not get any success.

Yes I understand how it works now, but it´s somehow misleading as help files are not there yet.

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We use this by connecting MAP sensor to CAM input and proper cam input configuration for engine start.
You can connect map sensor to analog in #4 to see how it behaves during the cranking (how the pressure drops down). Analog input #4 has 200Hz login so you will see the voltage. Then you can configure CAM input as a VR and set properly voltage in the table to catch the low pressure spike. It is your cam sync.