Just picked up a pmu16 and USBtoCAN adaptor. I bought a USB-a to USB-b cable and plug it into the computer and the adaptor. The red light stays on continuous (I don’t see where the manual says how to fix the red light just that it is a temp connection problem). I don’t have the pmu connected to the adaptor yet. I have installed the drivers for it. I have also tried on multple computers with the same problem. Is there a specific usb cable I should be using? If so why doesn’t ECUmasters sell it? Please help.


The red lamp means u don’t have CAN connection/CAN is disturbed. If nothing is connected this is natural cause the CAN is not working.
Connect it to a working CAN.

Well, I wired up canbus how I read it in the manual and am getting the same thing in my adaptor. Additionally, my pmu isn’t lighting up even though I have my battery volts of 12.3 volts at it(checked with a volt meter).

Have you connected +12 SW as figured in PMU manual?

That solved the problem. I had not hooked up switch 12v yet. Did that and fires right up. Thanks for the help!