Cruise control via Keypad


I have an EMU Pro and a CAN Keypad and want to use cruise control in the future.

Is it possible to map one button to act as set, resume and cancel input?

short press activates CC, another short press deactivates it, and a long press resumes the CC strategy. Ideally the backlight should also sync up to display the ON state of the CC.

and what is the practical difference between cancel and disable? Does the disable input delete the speed target?

kind regards,

It is possible, but you need to make custom logic for that.

Cancel is suspending the strategy, which means it can be resumed.
Disable is turning off the strategy, which means other switches don’t do anything.

Those descriptions are available in the built-in help.
cruise help

Thanks for the clarification about cancel and disable. :slight_smile:

Regarding the setup of the single button:
Does this look right to you?

this is the first time I am using the project tree.
example project attached:
CruiseControlbySingleButton.emupro (23.4 KB)

kind regards,


Yes, one of the differences is that the disable switch resets the strategy, so the speed target is also zeroed. The purpose of the disable strategy is that it cannot be activated as long as the disable switch is active. Therefore, the disable switch should be a toggle/latching switch to maintain its state after being pressed.

You can create some custom logic in the project tree to achieve the behavior that you want, but if you want the set and cancel switches to be active with the same action (short button press), you will lose the ability to refresh the target speed to the actual speed when the strategy is active.

Below you have example project with logic that you want:

ccOneSwitch.emuprolog (109.9 KB)
ccOneSwitch.emupro (25.4 KB)

This is great. Thank you!
Ill implement this in my project.
