Ecumaster wiring

I own an Ecumaster black and I’m new to this business. My question may seem a bit amateurish, I’m trying to learn something on my own. I connected all the sensors I use in my vehicle to the brain. I can see them when I connect to my computer. Then I bought a control panel and I want to see these values ​​there too. Can I get output from my ecumaster for this or can I connect the cable from the sensor to both the ecumaster and the dashboard.

Depending on what interfaces ur panel has. If it has CAN bus u can send everything from the emu to the panel.
In theory u also can connect the sensors to two devices, but depending on the details of the system u can get reading issues on one of both (the one u dont take sensor ground from), due to ground differences.

For example, can I use the 4.9 sensor by connecting it to both the AFR clock and the ECU with a flat cable?

For lambdasensor this practically won’t work.