What is the correct way to wire, use and configure Pro and Dual H-Bridge?
Pro has a separate CAN bus for configuration (USBtoCAN connectivity with PC).
I expect this should be used for this purpose only?
Dual H-Bridge is configured via the Light client, right? There is no secondary CAN bus as in Pro, so the same bus would be used to configure and send/receive CAN messages.
My guess (couse I haven’t found that in docs) is that H-Bridge should be connected to the secondary Pro CAN bus for the purpose of getting parameters from Pro/sensors over CAN AND at the same time for configuration via USBtoCAN, plugged in to the 2nd CAN bus this time.
Is this correct?
Or maybe it’s possible to wire the Dual H-Bridge to the secondary (Pro) CAN bus BUT configure it via the primary CAN bus used for configuring Pro (sth like master and slave setup, where master (Pro) relays config messages to the 2nd CAN bus and H-bridge receives them)?
Many thanks for clarification.