Hey guys, I was unable to get the car to sync, unable to pull a scope.
I think some of my trigger settings were off.
Which I’ve fixed now
But I’m curious about the firing order and injector phase,
I know the Evo 8 firing order is 1-3-4-2
I copied the injector phase from v2 which is
you have wrong setting you need to assign cylinders to the outputs and than firing order in you setup coil one fire on event one and two … read help this is configured different than v2 for example outputs for coils should be 1221 not 1212…
I’m struggling to understand what you mean,
I’ve read the help section for ignition output and firing order and neither seem super clear to me.
The help section for firing order is still blank.
I’ve changed the ignition output to 1221
but I’m not exactly sure how the rest should correspond
First, you need to set up the number of cylinders.
Then in the firing order table enter the firing order of your engine 1, 3, 4 ,2
Then in the coils assignment, you need assign coils in the way they are connected to the cylinders.
In most cases it is cyl 1 - coil 1 , cyl 2 - coil 2 and so on.
So in your case for cyl 1 you need to set up output 1, for cyl 4 output 1, and for cyl 2 and 3 output2
For injectors if you connect them 1 to 1: Cyl 1 - injector 1 , cyl 2 - injector 2 and so on.