Hey guys I have made some previous posts about this, I have tried off and on for a while to get my evo 8 to start with v3 to little success.
I have been thinking about the settings,
In v2, the car is set up as 1-2-1-2 on the ignition settings, with a 1 offset, This changes the original firing order from 1342, to 3421. Which matches the injection order (based on end of injection table).
In the new v3 version, there is no setting for offset, so presumably I set the firing order to 3421 which is what the offset would make it. However, I think part of the reason I was having issues, is that if I shift the firing order to 3421, this no longer means the 1-2-2-1 firing order would work as it would be trying to fire ign 1 on cylinder 3, ign 2 on cylinder 1, etc.
that is not how its wired. It is wired as ign1 to cylinder 1-4, and ign 2 to cylinder 3-2.
So in the firing order is 3-4-2-1,
Ign outputs, are set to
firing order 1, cyl 3 to ign 2.
Firing order 2, to cyl 4, ign 1.
firing order 3 to cylinder 2, ign 2,
firing order 4, cyl 1, ign, 1.
This is a configuration I have not tried before,
Previously, I could not get the car to synch or start. The only way I could was by setting the ignition settings to sequential and ign outs to 1-2-1-2 but the timing was way off, and I gave up there.
As I have been thinking about it I came to this realization I have posted.
the other part that is confusing me, is much is assigned to as cylinders, So
If cylinder 3 is always cylinder 3, and cyl 3 is fired by ign out2 (the same as cylinder 2)
then on the ign outs, would it always be, 1-2-2-1 as I was previously instructed as this is simply just setting the ign out to the cylinder, so 3 is 2, 4 is 1, 2 is 2, 1 is 1.
If thats the case I am still at a loss as what to do here, and I am struggling to understand why this is so challenging compared to v2 lol.
I havent been in the garage to test this yet, so I just wanted to ask you smart folks if this makes sense or I am missing something,
Additionally on the injector phase settings previously in v2 I had it set to 1-2-3-4 phase to 3421 such as the firing order, I know this has changed in v3, and though I select the end of inj table the same, do I correspond the injectors to each cylinder as 1-1, 2-2 etc or do they need to follow the firing order as they did in v2?
Thanks for your help!
v3 new map making.emub3 (61.8 KB)
newest fuel edit.emub (145.2 KB)