Knocking crazy with old ign map

Hey, having same engine, coming from v2 version, but car is knocking like crazy in 30kpa region, decreasing aprox 9 degree, knocks goes away, can someone look if my trigger settings look good?
ignore engine noise level.
cyl2 is the worst one.

forged m50 3.2l 8.5:1

timing light show all good.
iu.emub3 (67.2 KB)
scope_2025123_1125.emubscp3 (617 Bytes)

here are log, adding and removing ignition angle
as i remember oem for higher compression radio has 30 ish ign
looks like also its not happy at 6000rpm sound not good
knock.emublog3 (966.6 KB)
knockrev.emublog3 (88.2 KB)

i had r8 coils, now i have b58 coils without amp inside, as in result looks like emi affecting knock sensor signal because i have them without shielding.

Only knock sensor wires should be shielded. When you changed coils probably there is a problem with the ground.
The passive coils draw current directly from EMU using power grounds.
For me looks like grounds problem

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maybe you know better, those coils has 3pins (plus, minus, trigger)
But they work only as Coils without amplifier and CDI pulse, spark at falling
how to tell what is correct setting?

they come in bmw b58b30 (12138643360)
controlled by FGD3040 in oem ecu

You cannot use CDI pulse ! Your spark is in wrong place for sure.
For such coils you need control it as a passive coils.

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