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Change log:
BOOST: EWG support added
BOOST: Delay of PWM signal change in the case the boost output disabled is true bug fixed
DBW: Deadband parameter added
DBW: DBW calibration correctly support throttles that moves only in one direction and motor is inverted
CAN: Mazda RX8 new abs models (Model 2 A and User defined) added.
CAN: Opel Corsa VXR stream fixed
CAN: User defined CAN bitfields fixed
CAN: Porsche 998.1 CAN added
HELP: Boost help added
HELP: Mazda RX8 CAN stream description added
UI: Analog inputs CAN are shown properly in Show assigned inputs window
UI: Assigned outputs window properly display Coils Ignition outputs assignment
SYSTEM: Priority queue issue fixed (cause random engine stall)
KNOCK: KS Window duration can be as low as 10 degrees
FLEXFUEL: max tps to read sensor parameter added
LOG: idleTarget range increased to the 6000
LOG: Load log EDL extension changed from bgg3 to bg3
LOG: Ethanol correction channel fixed
OTHER: Clutch and brake pedals added to the switches list
Thx for adding eWG…seems to work fine
Question…can u make boost target tables as a function of PPS instead of TPS?
Would make much more sense in my opinion.
Sure…i will do some more eWG/boost calibration this weekend. I will share some logs here.
Just did the position PID calibration and played around to understand the new settings today without safeing any logs.
From my point of view eWG control is behaving well.
But some questions:
Could we get back boost PID correction channel? Would help with PID tuning.
What i also don’t understand is the channel “boost DC from table”. I think it is partially buggy. I see obvious deviations:
Okay…actually the named channels are not needed for tuning. The SW is really good. With just a little efford in tuning i got better results than i could ever reach in V2. Really great job guys.
Another question…how does the blend option for boost target work?
I have a CAN signal, which i used for switching between the two tables. But i can’t get it to work, since just blend option are now available and no simple switch option. Can u help me?
It os great to hear that you see the improvements.
We put a lot efforts to make the software / firmware better, and it is not our last word
According switching boost tables, just use your switch to configure rotary switch. You will get 2 position rotary siwtch. Then in blend table enter 100 for ratary switch pos 1 and 0 for others.
The boost DC from table should be Boost DC feedback table.
I will add Boost PID correction channel.
What I see your Max duty cycle in Boost parameters is 90%.
It will cause the EWG plate will not close fully as the DC is converted to Target and and 100% is fully closed.
Maybe Min/Max duty cycle parameters shouldn’t be used for EWG or in the case of EWG the name of those parameters should be changed to Min / Max EWG position.
I will check again but i think in the boost DC from table channel there is something strange.
Yes my max DC/max position is partially strange cause the position sensor of my eWG seems to have a small varying offset. To have a safe closed position i set the sensor closed position voltage a bit higher than the actual closed position. Then i set max eWG position (i think u should name the variable something like that in eWG case…in first place i thought it meant DC of the motor) to get a healthy motor DC in any target closed condition.
Need to investigate this issue in my system, but the impact is quite irrelevant with good PID.
Interested to hear why you added the DBW deadband feature because I’ll probably use it.
I have experienced problems with the pid control over and under shooting the target as the integral winds up every few seconds, I try to correct this with the friction factor which almost works but then it starts oscillating around target, this is happens around the 3-4% TPS range as the engine idles, wasn’t actually sure if my TPS tracks were worn.
This is 1.030 firmware which seems to have solved the issue with the deadband function.
I also discovered in those 2 logs above that I cant use the DBW autotune anymore because “The throttle does not return to limp home position” message appears at the end.
This is the map which had the DBW setup by autotune in an earlier firmware although I did change the friction factor.
Another log of the car driving on 1.029, you can see when idling the integral winds up and undershoots target more when the engine is running.
1.In the log file I see knocking, but on the dashboard the check lamp does not blink at this moment, the indication through the check lamp is activated and worked normally on V2. 2.When cruise control is activated, there is also no indication on the dashboard.