Paddle Shift help needed on Pro

Does anybody know of a write up or info on the paddle shift strategy for sequential transmission? Hoping to get some insight on some of the different parameters

Official documentation is not yet available.
We are working on “How To Tune” documents for all the strategies.

Ask any questions here. It might be useful for the documentation later.

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Hi Any update on this ?

looking to set up paddle shift very soon


The EMU PRO is a top priority for us in terms of documentation. Currently, we are focusing on the Traction Control section. Our next priority will be the Gearbox, specifically the paddle-shift strategy. However, I cannot provide a specific timeline for this update. Unfortunately, it won’t be a matter of days.

Thank you for your understanding.

Thanks for the update

Is it possible to define a CAN switch from the CAN switch board as a input for Paddle Up or Down in Emu PRO ???
How can this be done ?

In EMU Black I see the CAN_SW1 etc in the list of the inputs, howeverI don’t see it fot Pro.

yes any channel can be selected for paddle input

How do you add the c_up shift custom channel to the list ?? I understand that its linked to the CAN message but in which menu in EMU Pro can I add it ?

you need to create this channel in project tree form given can bus message
“c_up shift” is just renamed channel from can sw board

Got it, I was not aware were to find it, thank you.

I was able to muscle through it and get it working pretty good

great to hear
not got that far yet , but will be very soon