Paddle shift without engine start

Hello, I can’t get the outputs assigned to paddle shift to work without starting the engine. is there any way to do it?

Please use the following firmware. If you set Min RPM for upshift to 0 it will allow you to activate the solenoid even the RPM are 0.

hello, I have tried and the minimum limit is still at 500

I will build you firmware version that ignore RPM for upshift (for next release the possible min RPM will be 0).

Okey, thanks very much

Here is modified firmware, the RPM are not check for upshift.
Please use it just for test your solenoids.

okay, I’ll try it. another thing. Can’t you make a predefined CAN output to see the activation of TC with adu?

hello, today i try with engine runing and dosnt active down and up actuators.
i dont know whats the problem, with v2 works.

there is log channel paddle shift status that indicate why paddle shift is not performed.
In most cases it is Unkonwn gear, as the gearbox sensors is not properly set up

There is a new firmware 3.039
There is a new padlle shift channel (100Hz) that will help in better understanding shift process