V3 on Honda D15

Loaded the V3 on a OBD1 Honda Civic D15 development car I’ve been working on a base map for.
-The V3 idle seems to be just as good as the Pro.
-Engine ran very good
-Acceleration is much better. Found out the acceleration enrichment was actually disabled. Fueling is very good with any throttle movement.

During the initial startup, I had issues with Warmup and Afterstart Enrichment at first. It seems V3 Black Warmup table is still 100% for no correction and Afterstart is 0% for no correction. Is this correct Jakub?

ASO is only enrichment and you can enrich up to 255%. In the warmup table you can enrich and enlean the mixture so 100% is no correction to avoid negative numbers what seems strange to me.

Make it sens for you ?

Thank you for the response. The Pro uses “0%” as no enrichment in the Warmup table, so I was having trouble thinking it was the same.

Many of our customers through the years have complained about lean conditions and we have found the tuners have setup the Warmup table below 100%, even down to 30% thinking “0” was no Warm up enrichment which removes 70% of their fueling calculation globally. We always have to explain they need to be 100% at full warmed temperature.
Since it is normal to only add fuel during Warmup and not normal to remove fuel, I assumed the Warmup table in the V3 would be the same as the Pro since the Afterstart in V3 changed to “0%” for no enrichment.

In the case of keeping the option of removing fuel, negative numbers visually show tuners they are taking away or removing something.

If it must be left at 100% due to coding limitations, a note in the window and/or the help file stating “100% = no corrections” can help prevent tuner confusion and Support tickets.

Thank you very much for all your work on V3. This has actually been the best experience starting and running a dev vehicle with the greatest acceleration and idle so far.

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Ok, thats sounds resonable. I will redo it for next versions.
Then we will have compatibility with the PRO and there will be now confusion for the users.

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I also find it strange that for one table 100% is zero enrichment, and for the other 0% is zero enrichment.

Will be changed in 3.017