1.8 T 20V AGU no Primary Trigger and Secundary Trigger at Scope

Good day, community,

Yesterday, I downloaded the base map for my 1.8T AGU from ECUMasterUSA.

My setup:

  • 1.8T AGU
  • ADU 5
  • EMU Classic
  • Primary Trigger = VR Sensor
  • Secondary Trigger = Hall Sensor
  • Map Link: HiDrive

Now to my problem: The engine won’t start, and in the scope, I don’t see any signal from the sensors.

The scope is enabled under Primary Trigger.
What confuses me is that both the ADU and EMU are showing an RPM reading of ~200 RPM.

Does anyone know this issue?
Could it be a configuration problem, or is it more likely a hardware issue?

Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

Even though you have the scope enabled, are you physically activating it while cranking the engine? It won’t work automatically without pressing the “get scope data” button WHILE cranking the engine.