Can EMU BLACK support CanBUS J1939 gauges

Hey there,

I’m wondering if i can use the following VDO gauge with my BLACK via CANBUS

Can it work with J1939 protocoll? Can i set this up in Light Client?

Hope somebody can help.


Sure u can use it with EMU black, but u need to set up the J1939 message manually via EMU black SW.
Light client has nothing to do with the emu black.

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Thank you, but i have troubles to find out how i have to setup the user defined can in V3 Software. Does anybody have set up a j1939 message correctly?
I can convert the PGN × Source Adress to 29bit CAN ID…but what to do with the given SPN information??

also J1939 allows only 250kbps…do i have to reduce the speed of the whole CAN Communication with other clients…i guess it is like that

J1939 has nothing to with CAN baudrate…this is depending on ur devices.
I think u need CAN ID 0x18FEEF00 (set extended id befor) and then byte 4 (starting to count from 1) is oilpressure with resolution of 4kpa/bit.

Hello, Thank you for your reply. This was the final hint to solve the knot in my brain ;-).
I found some documentation on J1939 and i believe i understand how it works now. Will set it up like on the Screenshot. I don’t use Multiplier/Divider as i expect the gauge need to receive raw can data.

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U need to divide it by 4…cause the gauge will multiply the raw value by 4 due to the 4kpa/bit resolution

Ok, will try this out. Thank you again for your help, really appreciate it