Chasing a no start 2jz vvti

Hi all,

Im going for a first start on my na-t 2jzge vvti supra project. Got the pro 8 all wired up, tested all sensors, inputs and outputs, setups triggers and set base timing on the engine with a timing light while cranking to set it to 10°btdc as per factory specs.

Im running a DBW setup, ran the wizard and all is functioning as is it should.

The car wants to start, it sputters and runs very briefly but then immeadiatly dies again. Im thinking It must be something simple im overlooking but I cant seems to find what it is. I attached a log, scope log and the file.
Supra 31-8-2024.emupro (25.7 KB)
scope_2024_0831_1733.emuproscp (3.3 KB)
2024_0831_1734.emuprolog (2.4 MB)

Changed the polarity of the crank sensor as suggestes by roscoe, didnt change the behaviour unfortunately, scope and log are attached once more.
2024_0902_1405.emuprolog (309.2 KB)
scope_2024_0902_1407.emuproscp (3.4 KB)

In the wetransfer link I have 2 small videos of it ‘running’ while cranking and one where i give it a bit of throttle. Throttle kicks the revs up a bit and it stumbles a bit longer, but it will still stall.

Figured out its overfueling, but I cant figure out why.

Its dumping a lot of fuel on cranking, but I have my injector data setup correct on run 50% VE on cranking map and idle area in the fuel table, should be okay to get it running. Average rail 1 pulse width shows 15ms, which is way to much.

Look at the MAP value, it’s always atmospheric pressure.

Hey, thanks for the reply!

I dont really find that suspect just yet, I dont expect it to vary much while cranking.

I did find out the injector duty cycle and pulse width just ramp up enormously during cranking, going to 65ms flooding the engine. I think this is the main culprit but I cant find out way. I had the injector deadtime table configured wrong, but I fixed that. Didnt help unfortunately, but I cant find anything else that would cause the fuel to dump like that.

I found another thing. In ‘After start’ and ‘Warmup’ fuel correction in EMU PRO 0% means no correction. You have over 100% and both correction sources active. Subtract 100 from these tables and try again.

Hey thanks so much!! I got it running today!
I found out through another map had MAP pressure on my fuel and ignition tables axis. But in your map I saw it had to be load efficiency.

This in combination with the correction table adjustments allowed me to get it running! :partying_face:

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Great, glad to know that!

Efficiency load is calculated from MAP (if you chose this type - Help panel contains the description), it is commonly used for these tables. I didn’t point it out because it’s not a mistake.

There are some differences between BLACK and PRO in strategies. It is advised to leave the default tables axes unless you need it.