Coil assignment

question about coil and injector assignment, for me it was natural to set it up in firing order 1342 but I have now looked in the forum at the different project maps and can see that there are several that are set up for 1to1-- 2 to 2-- 3 to 3 – 4 to 4, can’t find anything about it in the manual

It depends how you’ve wired it.
The assignment allows you to change the outputs around (like a patch bay) if you made a wiring error.
Sticking with cyl 1 = ign 1 etc is the simplest and the firing order under Engine parameters does the rest.

Ignore the assignment under trailing spark unless its on a Rotary engine

FYI, trialing sparks are also working for 4-stroke and 2-stroke engines from firmware 115.0

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I guess you are coming from setting up EMU Black/Classic?
We changed the assignment method in PRO to make it more straightforward.

You can, of course, achieve the same thing in multiple ways, but the basic method is as follows:

  1. Wiring is direct - output 1 to cylinder 1, output 2 to cylinder 2, and so on.
  2. Assignment reflects the wiring - output 1 to cylinder 1, output 2 to cylinder 2, and so on.
  3. Setting the firing order in the “Engine / Cylinders” section.

The trailing spark is used for rotary or twin-spark engines. Your assignment of trailing spark doesn’t make sense, so if you don’t have one of the systems mentioned before, don’t assign trailing spark outputs.

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Thanks for the nice explanation :grinning:

This is good to know.

And I didn’t choose my words carefully enough there. “don’t assign when not using” should have been how I stated that lol