Emu Black C20XE not firing up

Hi, I just recently bought an EMU Black and had it professionally wired up but it’s not starting. Engine specs are as follows:

C20XE Opel / Vauxhall 2.0 16v N/A. We have the following inputs all reading correctly

  • TPS
  • CTS
  • ITS
  • 60-2 original Bosch Crankshaft sensor, as used in C20XE Bosch Motronic M2.5 ECU
  • Distributor as used in C20XE Bosch Motronic M2.5 ECU but we only use the hall sensor from it
  • Wideband LSU 4.9


  • Z20LEH injectors
  • Toyota Yaris 1.4 Cop Coil-On-Plugs

Engine is on ITBs, so no ICV or MAP are currently hooked up.

What is happening : on output tests, all coils are working and all injectors are working. Sensor sync status is showing syncing during cranking but I don’t know if it should show synced. When cranking, the fuel pump is priming but none of the injectors or coils are working.

The base map we use is from another engine on a similar setup but it’s using EMU Classic and I am on Black as stated.

I will check the EMU first start checklist again but I need to solve this issue so I can finish some other work before going to the dyno and the guy who will tune it there. I want to be able to at least start the car and get it in and out of the garage.

post your project and log without this we just guessing.

Unfortunately I am getting an error “New users can not upload attachments” Therefore I am unable to upload my base file, nor the saved Log.

edit : link with my project file : Stefan 197 Save_2.emub - Google Drive

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So, I have made a pretty good progress. The car is firing up now, coils and injectors are finally working :slight_smile:

I went through the following things to solve this:

  1. I searched the web for the coils I am using as I wasn’t sure about the dwell times used. Unfortunately , I couldn’t find anything for the Toyota Yaris 1.5 Denso coils P/N 90080-19021 that I am using, but when searching through engine codes, I got to the MSExtra (MegaSquirt ECU’s forum) where a number of people have posted dwell times for them and I used them as a base and matched them against the voltage.

  2. I went through the ECUMaster First Start check list. While reading through it, I found out that if you use an EMU Classic file and you import it into the EMU Black Software, there are a couple of things which are reset to default values or to none and they need checking, so I did the following:

2.1) "Fueling/Fuel Tables/Lambda Trgt.#1 and #2 - If any Lambda value in the tables show “1.47”,
then follow these steps

  1. Left click mouse and drag diagonally across cells to highlight all the cells in the
    Lambda table.
  2. Type the following exactly: 1.47/
  3. Press <ENTER>.
  4. Verify that any cells showing “1.47” now show “1.00”."

2.2) - "Ignition/Triggers/Primary and Secondary Trigger Tables - Pullup values are “Pullup 4K7” - Mine was set to None

2.3)-Engine start/Parameters/”Use Injector cal.” - Verify “Use Injector Cal.” is enabled so the EMU
can add the “Inj Cal.” deadtime or offset values into the fueling calculation.

  • Mine was set to OFF / Disabed

After doing this, the engine attempted to start, fired up a couple of times but then died immediately but at least I am on the right path. The spark plugs are black and looks like the fuel is a bit too much but I am somewhat happy that at least everything is working now and we can seal the custom wiring harness shut now :slight_smile:

Logs, project and screenshot here : ECUMASTER C20XE Stefan - Hyperion Racing - Google Drive

I can help you firing this Opel up.
My email: liri.islami@hotmail.de

Have done a few C20 in the last years.

you are not geting into cranking state

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cranking threshold set waaaay to low set it 300rpm as now is going straight to afterstart

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Thank you all, you were all right. I also had an issue with the power supply to my coils. The electrical supply plug wasn’t tight enough at the battery. My next mistake was - this is a VR sensor, but by accident, I had it put with 4K7 Pulldown. Someone from the EMU Facebook group noted this and I changed it back to None. This made things much worse and I had much more trigger missing tooth errors. I changed to First trigger tooth 9 , Trigger angle 57 but this didn’t improve things. Then I changed Trigger edge from falling to rising and the errors disappeared. The car started up after slight hesitation and has a good idle around 900-1000 rpm. I don’t get a response from the hall sensor however, but I will fix this later. For anyone looking for a basemap for a C20XE / C20LET for EcuMaster EMU Black to at least fire up their project car, here you go : Stefan 197 Save_24 FS OK.emub - Google Drive

I will keep posting updates until everything is fully resolved