Any help is appreciated!
I have recently bought an emu black v2 with the plug and play harness (I was told by the distributor that it was buit by ecumaster poland) for a cable throttle Lotus Elise with the 2zz motor. I followed the lotus elise manual and entered all of the inputs/outputs as suggested. I have tried inputting the same input/ouputs for A/C and VVTi, but both are not working and both were working with the factory ecu.
As far as the a/c, I can turn it on in the car and the a/c button lights up, but the a/c never turns on. I never feel the a/c clutch engage.
Now onto the VVTi, I input the settings the manual suggests. The issue with the vvti is that it will turn on/activate and instantly turn off. I have looked at the logging and I see the change to active = on, but it instantly turns off and I see the active = off status. When I am driving and get to the vvti activation point I feel the car just stop accelarating. it feels like I hit a wall, but If I change gears and continue to drive it acts completely normal.
Is there a diagram/pinout for this plug and play harness?
Is there a manual specifically for configuring lout elise with cable throttles?
Did the v2 ecu have any inputs/outputs changed for the lotus elise?
Just looked at your logs .
vvt working is not tuned properly ( target table is wrong)
lift is also set very high and on off so is settings i guess.
AC request in on Analogue 5 - this is trinary switch output for clutch is injector 5
just to be clear base map is map that need to be tuned and name suggested is a base map and tuner need to tune vvt angles and when lift is engaging…
hi, AC request is on analogue 4. Enable pullup and check if the signal changes when you press buttons ON and OFF.
you need to set as activation input “analogue 4 inverted”
Then, for AC pressure, select “can analogue 8” and calibrate the curve so it constantly shows 1000kpa.
assign the same “can analoge 8” to evaporator temperature and calibrate so is flat 20deg C across whole scale
tick box run coolan fan when ac active and you done all should work