Emu black v3 software informations

Boost and user tables are added to the description in first post


Is there a V3 version to download yet?

No. It is still tested.

Overrun and rev limiters information added

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Is it possible to implement a procedure for sweeping the tachometer and speedometer after turning on the ignition, as in Subaru?

is there an updated ETA on V3?

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After new year we start beta tests for selected emu black users. So open beta for all users should start at the begining of the april as planned.


Do you plan add Fuel Cut for Torque reduction?


In what strategy ?

DSG torque reduction

How is the AT Torque reduction request signal generated? Calculated from? or…

It is generated by the gearbox

I would like to ask for a separate IDLE strategy parameter : base IDLE ignition angle, so as not to take it from the base ignition map, instead take it from param, or special 2d table ign angle vs map or load% (like in ms3 and many other ecu)

I think this will help eliminate twitching when the car is moving and the gas pedal is not pressed (idle active, but rpm not stable and idle corrections make car jerking).
And help stabilize warm up, when high rpm, and in ign angle i want set 25 btdc when moving, but when idle - i need 12-15 btdc, to prevent oscillation


sorry. one more suggestion.
Is it used by anyone for anything other than “flood clear” ?
May be dont need 2d table? For single function, one parameter is enough “flood clear” = arming TPS.
And when arming - please, not use injector deadtime table, assume it as all zeroed. For big enought injectors, in current v2 version, when use inj cal in engine start parameters, it is enought time to squirt some fuel and fire engine :slight_smile:
There will always be a small error in specifying the lag time, and in most cases this error corrected in runtime short term trimms, and does not affect the overall setup too much…

what about “cable_by_wire” idle strategy - (VW version of throttle with servo operates the throttle during idle - rest of the position is operated by cable).
Is it possible to implemented this function?
Browsing through internet I noticed that this function is really missing.
Thanks for answer

I’m using this table for cars with ITB and no idle control valve . as there is a big air flow change with small opening

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Yeah im actually a pretty big fan of the 2D table for this. Deflood is super useful as well, especially with untuned cars being fired up for the first time.

Hi, will there be an option to connect a turbo speed sensor, maybe via vss input, and will there be the option to setup some divider for lets say blade numbers of the compressor wheel. thx chris

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Please add this! This is actually much needed. We need a separate idle ignition 2d map that is active when idle is active so that ignition timing is not as jittery and more stable during idle.


The idle startegy is rewriten and has own igtition targets. Also overrun startegy ahs own ignition tables and ugnition control. So now it is very very flexible solution.