New software 3.042 available!

New version of V3 is availabe!

Link to the software:

EDL firmware ver 17 required for V3 firmware in version 3.039 and higer

EDL firmware
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Merry Christmas!


  • Polaris RZR 2024 support added.

DSG (Direct-Shift Gearbox)

  • Torque reduction ignition and cut tables added (requires further testing).
  • DSG gearbox torque reduction request log channel added.


  • Cycling idle Cut RPM and Resume RPM minimum values limit lowered (1000 and 500).
  • Ramp-down delay functionality added.


  • Rich and Lean limits are now 2D tables as a function of airflow.


  • Fuel/spark cut delay default value set to 250ms.


  • Injectors’ Duty Cycle (DC) range issue fixed.
  • Boost target added as a channel for all custom axes.


  • Minimum engine oil temperature parameter added.

DBW (Drive-by-Wire)

  • ITB (Individual Throttle Body) mode when parameter Disabled when no RPM is enable, the DC is set to -100% (no output current).


  • Min/Max flags visibility now follows global settings.


  • TPS default values for VE table in Alpha-N strategy corrected (0-100% instead of 0-20%).
  • Double-clicking on a tree view item now closes the existing frame on the desktop.
  • Autotune 3D window now properly refreshes the X-axis bins (MAP ↔ TPS).
  • Nissan 350Z (VQ35) trigger wizard added.
  • Trigger wizard bugs fixed.

can we get switch invert options in user canbus?
for instance for some stuff i need send two bits in mirror order.

I see emu pro now has mqb can stream
Will emu black get this also ?

In the future there will be some tool that allow to build bitmask in can stream. Then itbwill be possible.
Now you can emulate it with function or with the user switch with active invert option.

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It depends.
MQB is direct injection engine with quite complex engine control. It is possible to fully control the car with the pro.
Black is not capable to do it. I think it is possible to add basic functionality like dash, abs, etc, but very hard to add mqb dsg support (for example we are not able to run the whole car woth oem engine with black, so we cannot test it)

It’s the dash, abs etc I was hoping for for a engine swapped mqb platform car

Ok let me check what can be done.

Amazing! If you could that would be great. Would potentially enable me to build the project I want to!

After few more hours of testing, we have some questions …

  1. Does the VSS based on sensor work? (is it programed now?)
  2. Why are the strategies of Boost control and ALS control based on relative presure (overpresure) and not in absolute numbers? This was first very confusing to me seting up the cotrol strategy. In ALS strategy we are specially used to make very soft ALS that does not make any boost at all, just holds the turbine spinning bringing the absolute presure from 35kPa to 80-90kPa…
  3. PMU Keyboard has only 12 positions, but we will use the 15pos with rotary encoders … any plans add direct support, or you let us do the work manually?
  4. Why we still have this trange setup in primary trigger ? This “first trigger tooth” + “trigger angle” cofuses so many customers… why dont get rid of it and use just crank offset angle like all other brands and EMU PRO ?

… on the other hand, i was very kindly suprised by the solution how to create conformation signal for TPS and PPS… nice idea, very universal in any case.
… The ALS strategy is like from another world now, it works like it never did before, so much faster, so much smoother and so much accurate.

All in all, we are very happy with that huge step forward, just need to understand some ideas behing few strategies, why they are done how the are, and how to use them correctly.

Kind regards

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i also have q related to antilag, is there any option to use Pre throttle boost instead map sensor? didnt find any

1. Does the VSS based on sensor work? (is it programed now?)
Yes. It was one of the very first feature implemented.

**2. Why are the strategies of Boost control and ALS control based on relative presure (overpresure) and not in absolute numbers? This was first very confusing to me seting up the cotrol strategy. In ALS strategy we are specially used to make very soft ALS that does not make any boost at all, just holds the turbine spinning bringing the absolute presure from 35kPa to 80-90kPa…

As in PRO and other ECUs boost controllers base on boost (kpa g) not absolute pressure. It make perfect sense. For example if you want to scale your boost by 50% (eg. on 1st gear) and your boost pressure target is 100kpa g, then it is just 50 kpa g what makes sense. If you are map based your pressure is 200kPa and after scale it is 100kpa what is no boost at all.

For ALS it is a little more complicated. You can use pre throttle boost sensor (what is the best solution) but still this value is limited by your turbocharger internal spring. So if your spring allows to have 50kpa g of boost you will never achieve less. If you use EWG or CO2 driven you can set up 0kpa g of boost but never less! It is technically not possible. So if you want lower pressure during ALS you need to precisely set your parameters like DBW opening, ignition retard and cut.

3. PMU Keyboard has only 12 positions, but we will use the 15pos with rotary encoders … any plans add direct support, or you let us do the work manually?

Direct support works right now as a 12-position keypad (first 12 keys and no rotary encoders). In future updates I will add 15 pos keypad and rotary encoders (it would be best if the rotary switch pos connected to encoders saves in eeprom after each position change and restore after power up).

For PMU support it must be added as well (15 pos). Rotary encoders I think can be send and received as CAN rotary switches in Black already (user CAN).

** Why we still have this trange setup in primary trigger ? This “first trigger tooth” + “trigger angle” cofuses so many customers… why dont get rid of it and use just crank offset angle like all other brands and EMU PRO ?**

It is for compatibility with the previous settings (from V2). In the future there will be alternative option to set up rigger tooth and trigger offset (like in PRO), that will set up trigger tooth and trigger angle.

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…How do you change from the MAP to Pre-throttle MAP in ALS strategy ? … cant find it. Yes, ALS is somehow coplex strategy with many solutions. As you know, the Turbocharger must run at minimum RPM to have some reasonable effeciency, and make some boost. It can run without exhaust gasses, so the idea is to control it by speed and volume to let us expect the effeciency from the values given by manufacturer… In case of “mild” ALS we use idea like : "how fast can rev your engine from 600RPM to redline? , and how log does it take from 1500RPM ? way way shorter. This same idea. How fast will you make boost from Turbo “idle” that spins like 1-2000RPM ? and what if we spin the Turbo 20-30000RPM ? It stil does not make nearly any boost even pre-throttle, but the reponse time will be lower than half… and that huge improovement for non-experienced drivers.

…The explanation of Gauge presure make sense, thank you for clearing this to me.
… In the trigger : it will be enough to free full 0-720° offset angle (from 30-120°now) and let the “first trigger tooth” stay as it is. Who will, can use it like in V2, and who does not, can use just the offst angle. Now you are sometimes forced to use both, and many newcomers dont understand that idea.

Thank you for your fast response.

I’ve checked and you can change it for the whole boost controller in Boost parameters. For ALS still you set the target to boost controller and it is limited by the wastegate (spring stiffnes) or EWG.
If you want to have no boost you need to setup parameters to get no boost.

For trigger it must be other parameter as the trigger angle is the maximum ignition advance and it influences the trigger calculations.

So there will be 3rd parameter Global trigger angle (the prim trigger tooth and trigger angle will be grayed if you select “new mode”) and it will recalculate parameters to get the optimal trigger angle (as near as 50-70 deg as possible) and adjust first trigger tooth. And the opposite if you will change first trigger tooth and trigger angle it will adjust your Global trigger angle (what will be grayed then).

I hope the above description makes any sense for you :slight_smile:

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Simply : I have to set BoostControl based on pre-throttle map sensor, and the ALS strategy will use it also?

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yes als trategies will then use prethrottle boost sensor

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Thank you. Thats why i like so much the EMU PRO software. We can set neraly every table with nearly any variable in any axis…
Good Night

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It’s pro :slight_smile:
But forbsome people it is too complex and they prefer simpler solutions.

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damn. hoped for my gear based knock gain :smiley: anyhow, have a great new years party guys. you all did a great job on this. i am looking for more good features and updates. thx for spending so much time and work in this project.

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This is my first post, but it may not be translated correctly because it is an automatic translation.

I am currently using software version 3.042. In my vehicle, the fuel pump relay is connected to HighBridge1B, and the pump operates when it is set to GND.

With this setting, it will not work properly unless the Inverted checkbox is turned on. Is this normal?

At that time, the “FP” indicator at the bottom of the software will behave in the reversed manner (it will turn green when FP is stopped).

Furthermore, if you turn the ignition ON > OFF without starting the engine, the fuel pump will continue to operate after turning it OFF. If you turn it OFF after starting the engine, it will work normally.

Is there a possibility that there is a problem with my wiring?