New software 3.040 OPEN BETA available

After over two years of development and months of testing, I am thrilled to inform you that the V3 software has entered the OPEN BETA phase!
No more access keys :slight_smile:

Before installation, please make sure to read the file.

The official release is planned once we add the missing features (Nitrous support, finalizing the help documentation, adding an importer for basic parameters from V2 projects, fixing identified bugs), which should take about three months.

The next step will be to release V3 software for EMU Classic (adapted to the hardware limitations of the EMU Classic, such as fewer outputs/inputs, etc.).

I would also like to extend my thanks to everyone who participated in the V3 testing, reported bugs, gave suggestions, etc. It was excellent work and a huge motivation for us to keep improving the software!

Happy testing!

Link to the software:

EDL firmware 2.15 required for V3 firmware

EDL firmware
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  • Added combined load table.


  • Fixed bug where the built-in MAP sensor was incorrectly used as barometric pressure.


  • Completed the Fueling section.
  • Completed the Engine Protection section.


  • Added the ability to add a password comment (32 characters).


  • Synchronized Ski-Doo CAN stream with V2 version; all models now supported.


  • Added user comment functionality (64 characters).
  • Project compare now includes function comparisons.
  • Fixed bug in project comparison table.
  • Improved behavior for “Restore to Default” when the device is password-locked.
  • Added progress bar for restoring to default and writing the entire project to the device.
  • VIN edit dialog now appears only when connected to the ECU.
  • Status bar colors and state now restore to default upon disconnection.
  • Disabled the option to load projects from V2 version.

User define can messages works always ? No need to select “Can Bus stream” as user defined ?
In Black it was impossible to use for example BMW stream and custom stream … now it works simultaneously?

yes. it works always

Congrats on getting it moved to Open Beta… Also thanks for all the hard work and tweaks to accommodate the community!!

Well done!


For what is combimed load in the DSG?

I noticed that the dq250 shifts much earlier since switching to v3. torque table is aligned with vcds.

It allows fine tuning to get much better resposne on small and medium throttle openings in turbo application.
We will prepare some document for that, now it is still tested but the results are great.


I just could repeate…amazing job u did there.
Was also a lot of fun to see the SW grow and work together with u analyzing things and so on.
The result is really great and i think will last a lot of years :slight_smile:



when will be the secondary trigger r32 wheel implemented ? thanks.

it is already implemented as universal pattern.
I will post tommorow r32 bub dsg map


Keep up the awesome work. :partying_face:

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First impressions. At the first glance it does not feel too much different, but right when you start working with log, we immediatly find nice to have way more accuracy. The reworked knock detection strategy is for us way more usefull and easier to read whats going on in the engine. I was not so happy realizing, that the idle control absolutly does not do what we expect. All PID settings zeroed, and the real applied idle opening was way off compared to the desired in the table… the must be some issue. We didnt find an option to control air using idle valve as air source for ALS. (yes its marginal, but it was possible in V2). My big dissapointment is the axis management, again not able to insert value between. We also found “bug” because down on the status bar it lights up “CEL” even if the desired oil presure on stopped engine was not met. But there was no actual CEL message going out on CAN. I would not light up the CEL on this condition, but maybe “Engine protection” … Just giving first feedback. Othervise: Good work, and thatk you for this step forward.

I think your idle settings are wrong or there is some misunderstanding as it works. This strategy seems to be very well tested from months.
If you provide me log and base map I will check it (of course there is always option there is a bug).


Hey Jadzwin,

can you please share R32 bub dsg map? Thanks :slight_smile:

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Like you expected. As some setting moved to other places, or the strategy has now new rules, i missed the “open loop over vvs” and i also missed the % adder from active cooler fan. In old software i was using for example the “Ign. active correction” summary to see what is affecting the real ignition angle. We would love to have such sumary in all strategies (also in idle mode) and also in EMU PRO SW. As the number of affecting factors rises, we struggle litle bit stay on track what is changing map value to real output value.

It still is there:

In V3 the diagnostic is much much more advanced than in V2.
For each sensor you have separate diagnostic.

Meaning of statuses:

  • OK - sensor is operating correctly
  • Short to ground - the voltage from the sensor is lower than the defined minimum value
  • Short to 5V - the voltage from the sensor is higher than the defined maximum value
  • Unassigned - the sensor has not been assigned an analog input
  • CAN-BUS - the sensor value is overridden by user-defined CAN stream

For each strategy you have a detailed diagnostic with for example reasons why it doesn’t engage and what is happening inside the strategy.

For example, the paddle shift strategy:

Meaning of Paddle shift statuses:

  • OK - no errors
  • Rejected - RPM - RPM are too low or too high to perform paddle shift
  • Rejected - VSS - vehicle speed is too high to perform paddle shift
  • Rejected - clutch - the clutch pedal is not pressed to perform paddle shift
  • Rejected - gear out of range - attempt to shift to a gear lower than Reverse or higher than the maximum number of gears

Meaning of Paddle shift states

  • Inactive - the paddle shift strategy is inactive
  • Performing downshift - the paddle shift strategy performs downshift
  • Performing upshift - the paddle shift strategy performs upshift
  • Solenoid down - the state of downshift solenoid
  • Solenoid up - the state of upshift solenoid
  • Preload - paddle shift strategy performs preload phase

Also there is exhaustive help for all strategies (except ignition and dsg parts that are under development)

Please try to work with the software and give it a chance. Then you will never come back to V2 :slight_smile:

There is a lot of work done to make it better than V2 in every single element.


The calibration is still under developement (the tune), but the trigger and setup is correct. When it will be finished and polished we will publish it as an official tune.

r32_bub_v3_work_in_progress.emub3 (62.0 KB)

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Like i mentioned, we already like the added informations, added accuracy, this will be very good. Thank you for this effort, making existing hardware work better. (588.3 KB)
I get this crash all the time after i empty a tab from tables and tryin to close the client i have a video of that trying to find a way to upload.
Its also very easy to crash the program by fast opening tables only using keyboard (tab - arrows - enter - tab - arrows - enter) and its gone with no error report while doin it with only mouse it works fine.

Hey @Jadzwin_ECUMASTER Do you know what the differences between the RTA algorithms are? There are 0 - 3 options but I can’t seem to find an explanation what does what.