EMU Pro 8 111 Boost DC

Hello, I had the EMU Black now I switched to Pro8 software 111 with Trigger Audi.
I went to adjust yesterday, it works well but with the DC boost I wanted to adjust as with the EMU Black, (TPS and Load in 3D) but impossible to adjust the DC it indicates either 90% or 10% depending on the polarity reversal so either no pressure or Overboost.
Do you know what the problem is?
Thank you for your help.
boost.emuprolog (1.5 MB)
Audi Quattro.emupro (29.0 KB)

When boost is above or below target margins DC is at min or max. You need widen margins to something like x10 if you want to use DC only.

Ok, thank you for your answer, he has so little information on the strategy, for me it was that at more or less 30 KPa from the target it doesn’t work, I don’t really understand this parameter?
You have experience with the Pro, which strategy do you think works best, I’m going to work in closed loop once set?
Thank you for your answer and your help.

Idea behind the margins is that when you are below target, boost control stays at max to help build up boost faster and if it´s above margin it goes to min to prevent overboost. If you set margins ie. -300 and +300 then it follows always DC table.

Note that there are also control activation min/max parameters. If boost is outside of these values, control strategy is disabled.

We are using gear based 4D target table and target based 4D DC table. But as this is for a drag bike, and we are using 100% TPS only, it´s maybe what you dont want to do, but you might get an idea how flexible this system is.

If you want to use closed loop you must first get all DC tables tuned perfectly, which I found almost impossible because you cant really tune high boost DC´s on dyno very well because it behaves always different on the track than our dyno.

I cannot see the log because i dont have 105 client but from what i understand you misunderstood kpa g with kpa. U ask like 280 kpa g (2.8bar) target while ur maps are max at 320 kpa. You are always out of margin because ur target is too high.What boost u like to be?

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Thats a good catch!
As original poster has overboost protection set as 295kPa. It´s easy to mix kPa and kPa g (map and boost).

Hello, thank you for your answers, I tried with the target 1.85 also but it does not work.
I think SamiM is right about the Margin being too low to use the DC table and to have progression according to the TPS, (it’s for circuit) I was working with the Black like that and the engine is very progressive with the boost.
What I understand with the Margins at more or less 30 you have to work on the spring rate and use the margins for safety?
Thank you for your help.

If you want boost target 1.85bar then you set 185kpa g as target.
kPaG (kilopascal gauge) indicates gauge pressure relative to atmospheric pressure as kPa is absolute pressure.

No, within the margins you are supposed to use closed loop strategy, as this is preferred method, but if you want to to use open loop only like in the Black, you need to widen margins and fill up dc tables manually as I said. Spring rate is relevant only when you are at 0 DC (of course it affects how well you can control boost pressure, and what kind of mac valves you are using, 3 port ,4 port, dual-macs etc)

i just manage to review your log

  1. You have too high target and your dc is 100% becuse condition is out of margin until you hit overboost protection.Solution lower your target
  2. Your pid is off so you practicaly are in open loop (30% dc from base ) if you get into margin
  3. If tou have a log with lower boost target and you still have problems upload it so we can help .

Hello, thank you for your answers, I understand the strategy better, the DC table is in progress as I couldn’t adjust it and then I’m going to switch to closed loop.
Thank you, Best Regards