MUX board problem

Hello everyone,

I recently ordered a MUX board from my local Ecumaster supplier.
I then wired everything up (3d printed a nice enclosure for it), only to find out that the default state of all (MUX)switches is ON. I checked the wiring (+5v, AIN, GND), all is fine.

I then took the board out again and started measuring on the board itself. Below is schematic diagram of the board.

If I measure across +5v and SW1, I should measure 12.200Ohm’s of resistance, right?
Likewise, If I measure between +5V and SW2, I should measure 6.900Ohm’s of resistance.
However, I’m measuring about 10K ohm on all three circuits.

So, I ordered another board from Ecumaster…same thing.
Am I missing something or is the second board also bad?


Measure ground to analog in


Thanks for the reply.
I measure about 6.3K ohm between GND and AIN on all three switches.

The picture u posted is how to setup a mux switch by urselfe without the board.
For the mux board u need to wire it like that:

Did u consider this?


That is exactly how my MUX is wired. It is essentialy the same as the schematic I posted above.

U are right…just asking. Cause if u wire the mux board like in the emu scematics there is the risk that u connect sensor ground to a other ground and read nothing.

You have enable 4.7k pull down at this analog input thats why you measure 6.9k.

I’m using 1M pull down on analog 4. With the 4.7k pull down, it doesn’t work either.

You need pull up not pull down

I don’t think so. I tried it anyway, and it makes no difference.
I still have 1.8v on analog 4 with all switches off…there’s definitively something wrong with the board.