You have backfeed somwhere.
For example ypu can have set function that activates output (eg. h-bridge) that power somerhing that backfeeds emu.
Would it be possible to raise the pressure limit on the coolant pressure calibration to a standard sensor?
Thanks for the Tacho feature! My IS300 has been slightly off for years. Really liking the software so far, my only suggestion is to make the RPM output fully programmable.
Sensor is linear you can calculate values or let chat gpt do that.
I did figure that out. The cal graph just bothers me. Everything else shows the full range.
after some time Iam here again with some issues.
After update to v3.043 there is strange behaviour of RPM (tacho) output.
Its not issue only in one car, but the same behavior is observed in more cars and its connected to the upper mentioned update.
36-1, 36-2 and 2+1 triggers are used in these cars (no connection to trigger version).
In PC the signal of RPM is smooth.
You cen see video in attached link:
Smooth slow acceleration and deceleration is aplyed.
There is also issue with can stream.
I use BANKS iDASH gauge where MAP signal is not properly shown as you can se in down bellow pictures (compared to PC value).
Since v3.041 i also noticed thats not possible to connect to BT device EDL-1 even the new FW is updated.
If any measurement is needed, just let me know.
Thanks a lot in advance for yout support
Could you show me your Tacho output configuration? I would like to test it with yours settings.
I will check the EDL issue
It is enough. Just to confirm, did you have this issue in previous versions ?
Iam sure that it wasnt in 3.041 - 042 I skipped.
In the first post I’ve added a link to the firmware with the fixed MAP value in EMU CAN stream.
Hello, overall I’m happy with the v3 but a few little things I have to ask;
On v2 in the “Boost parameters” menu there was “Disable solenoid input” - I used this as a 3rd boost setting (gate pressure, table 1, table 2) but it seams to have been left out of v3, seems like a simple enough feature to bring back?
You’ve also added filtering for analogue inputs, are you able to add them for the CLT and IAT inputs?
And also on the subject of filters; in the log is the value logged after the filter is applied? And is is it the same case for both the voltage value in the log and the sensor value in the log for example Oil pressure (PSI) vs Analogue 1 (V) - are both values logged before or after the filter?
Thanks for your work team.
There is still a disable solenoid function under Boost Parameters at the bottom
Okay I had 3.040 and it wasnt on that version and not mentioned in the original post listing changes to 3.043
Is there an up-to-date change log for v3?
there is a seprate change log for each version.
From 3.044 there will be also “incremental” change log with all previosu versions.
According analog input fikters the signal on the log is after the filter.
For CLT and IAT there is no analog filter (each filter require resources like meory and cpu power) . Due to the sensor type and measured signal there should be no noise in the signal.
I’m currently writing my software on V3, I need the switches inverted for LC and Flat shift.
In Sensor inputs “Clutch,break” i also find no inverted
sorry wrong delete this