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It looks like something backfeeding the ECU.

The wiring diagram is only written in Japanese, but FC1 in this diagram is the fuel pump relay signal.
It’s really strange that the behavior is different between the first 3 seconds after turning on IG (currently set to 3 seconds) and after that.
I’ll also consider the possibility of backfeeding.

In addition to that I’ll try changing the fuel pump control from HighBridge1B to Aux2.

Aren’t there two maps to choose from in the ALS strategy, or did I miss it somewhere?

where do I set the fuel cut? Previously it was in v2 fuel cut under xx psi. For me with v3 fuel does not switch off when coasting above 3000rpm

I just changed the fuel pump control from HighBridge1B to Aux2.
It is working properly now.

The state immediately after power is turned on and when HighBridge is inverted and controlled by GND (in this case when the Fuel Pump is driven and then stopped)
Aren’t these two states different?

I’m going to continue using Aux2 for the fuel pump.
Perhaps the same thing would happen if I controlled another circuit?
Or is there something I need to do on the connected circuit side?

It is overrun startegy right now

The explanation was not translated well, so I’ll add a supplement.
I think the state is different when the IG is turned off while the fuel pump is running and when the IG is turned off while the fuel pump has stopped running (it started once and then stopped).