Software version 3.018


I worked hard to release new software version 3.018

Here is a list of updates / fixes.

  1. Help for Sensors and inputs finished. I plan the similar quality for other categories.
  2. Help updated for WBO, DSG emulator
  3. WBO response improved
  4. WBO temperature channel added
  5. Temperature wiazrds improved. Min max voltage and temperature added
  6. BMW E46 CAN stream: curisue control acive lamp support added
  7. Bug with saving gauges types fixed
  8. 5x3 RGB keypad added
  9. Indicator key type - it is possible to display function’s results on the keypad
  10. DSG emulation using keypad
  11. idle DC for PWM solenoids works now that 0% means min DC, 100% means max DC
  12. 3 wire pwm idle solenoid support fixed
  13. DSG DC Corerction - 0% means no correction
  14. stuck throttle strategy verified
  15. Triggern configuration warning message bug fixed (bug reported by SamiN)
  16. New shortcuts F5- scope, F6 - log graph, F7 - quick tune
  17. Channels fuel pressure ,custom fuel corrections #1-#3 shown -100% when engine was not running.
  18. Cycling idle can override DBW
  19. Spelling fixed
  20. F1 displays general help
  21. Scope doesnt display not assigned cylinders in firing order table
  22. DSG gearbox - engine can be started on P and N as well

Tested 3018b

  • VE table cursor randomly stops following Y-axis, moves only along X-axis (edit to add: restarting client resolves this but happened many times)
  • Autotune does not work at all.

Files attached.

VROD_BASE_140kpa_V3018_AutotuneTest.emublog3 (115.8 KB)
VROD_BASE_140kpa_V3018.emub3 (54.0 KB)

Autotune bug will be fixed in 2.019, we are already aware of this problem.

Could you give more details about not tracking y axis ?
Maybe way to reproduce ?

I found that there is a problem with autotune what changes the VE table Y axis desctiptor so it stops to work with RPM. Will be fixed fo 2.019

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Yes that was in my screenshot too