I worked hard to release new software version 3.018
Here is a list of updates / fixes.
- Help for Sensors and inputs finished. I plan the similar quality for other categories.
- Help updated for WBO, DSG emulator
- WBO response improved
- WBO temperature channel added
- Temperature wiazrds improved. Min max voltage and temperature added
- BMW E46 CAN stream: curisue control acive lamp support added
- Bug with saving gauges types fixed
- 5x3 RGB keypad added
- Indicator key type - it is possible to display function’s results on the keypad
- DSG emulation using keypad
- idle DC for PWM solenoids works now that 0% means min DC, 100% means max DC
- 3 wire pwm idle solenoid support fixed
- DSG DC Corerction - 0% means no correction
- stuck throttle strategy verified
- Triggern configuration warning message bug fixed (bug reported by SamiN)
- New shortcuts F5- scope, F6 - log graph, F7 - quick tune
- Channels fuel pressure ,custom fuel corrections #1-#3 shown -100% when engine was not running.
- Cycling idle can override DBW
- Spelling fixed
- F1 displays general help
- Scope doesnt display not assigned cylinders in firing order table
- DSG gearbox - engine can be started on P and N as well