Does Emu Pro supports VVTi-E or you can provide support?

Are you asking about Toyota variable valve timing controlled by the electric motor instead of a solenoid?

We don’t have dedicated support for that system. Can you provide a description of how exactly it is operating? A wiring diagram would be good to check how it’s connected.

Depending on how the system is connected electrically, it might work without changing our VVT strategy.

I did some quick reading, and this is what I know:

  • there is an electric motor inside the camshaft wheel,
  • the motor is only spinning in the same direction as the camshaft,
  • if the motor is spinning at the same speed as the camshaft, the timing stays constant,
  • if the motor is spinning faster or slower than the camshaft, the timing gets advanced or retarded.

If the camshaft motor is connected to a constant supply (either positive or negative) on one side and to the ECU on the other, it should work like any classic VVT system. A specific, constant duty cycle means constant motor speed and no timing change. More or less, DC will be advancing or retarding the timing.